I finally got my blog a bit how I wanted.. with some help from Dana I finally got my line in my header solved and it's gone ! Yeaah ! besides me working on my blog, learning new stuff about blogging, designing , making cards etc I do work a lot and I because I do own my business it's on the run 24/7.
I bought myself a tanning bed, because the weather in The Netherlands is freezing, snow, and no sunshine lately. So i invested in my tanning bed.. and it's amazing, best purchase this year.. and we only just started.
I'm really homesick to LA .. my nice apartment , the sun, the people and my nights out on the Sunset strip in Hollywood on Monday nights seeing Steel Panther. I dress up like a rock chick.. and be a real groupie. Would be nice to go see a concert from Motley Crue or Kiss too.. I'm a huge fan !!
Hopefully next week I have more time to make some new cards and enter some challenges. I am organizing my scraproom and it's a big mess. So first I need to clean and sort that out before I can seriously make something creative.
Love Priscilla
2 opmerkingen:
Ooohhh, dat lijkt me ook zo lekker, een zonnehemel ..heerlijk, ik kan best begrijpen dat je heimwee hebt, hopelijk helpt je zonnebankje er een beetje bij om dit te verzachten !
Liefs Astrid
Het is echt genieten Astrid even een half uurtje wegdromen :)
Liefs x
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