maandag 25 februari 2013

I finally got my blog a bit how I wanted.. with some help from Dana I finally got my line in my header solved and it's gone ! Yeaah ! besides me working on my blog, learning new stuff about blogging, designing , making cards etc I do work a lot and I because I do own my business it's on the run 24/7.
I bought myself a tanning bed, because the weather in The Netherlands is freezing, snow, and no sunshine lately. So i invested in my tanning bed.. and it's amazing, best purchase this year.. and we only just started.
I'm really homesick to LA .. my nice apartment , the sun, the people and my nights out on the Sunset strip in Hollywood on Monday nights seeing Steel Panther. I dress up like a rock chick.. and be a real groupie. Would be nice to go see a concert from Motley Crue or Kiss too.. I'm a huge fan !!
Hopefully next week I have more time to make some new cards and enter some challenges. I am organizing my scraproom and it's a big mess. So first I need to clean and sort that out before I can seriously make something creative.

Love Priscilla

2 opmerkingen:

Astrid zei

Ooohhh, dat lijkt me ook zo lekker, een zonnehemel ..heerlijk, ik kan best begrijpen dat je heimwee hebt, hopelijk helpt je zonnebankje er een beetje bij om dit te verzachten !

Liefs Astrid

Priscilla Waker zei

Het is echt genieten Astrid even een half uurtje wegdromen :)
Liefs x