zaterdag 17 november 2012

Nikki special Saturated Canary digi

Here she is my card Nikki for the special challenge at kaarten maken met Tiets!
She is only availble for members of the Dutch club. But the end of November she will be also available in Krista her stamp shop! I really enjoyed coloring and making this special card! Hope you like her too. Comment are welcome:-)

6 opmerkingen:

arjette zei

Wat een super mooi kaartje!!! Wat heb je je digi geweldig ingekleurd zeg!!!
Die foto hieronder is trouwens ook héél mooi!
Fijn weekend!!

gr. arjette.

heidy zei

Wat een gaaf kaartje ,schitterend gekleurd!!
Groetjes Heidy

Bernadet zei

helemaal geweldig, dit kaartje!!

June Nelson zei

Oh wow hunnie this is so beautiful, how talented you are!!! love it and love the colours they are my favourite, just gonna look at your doggies now, unfortunaley the one on the right of my pic, my little gizmo had to be put to sleep 11 weeks ago and I miss him so much, take care sweetie big huggies June xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Priscilla Waker zei

Thanks meiden .. ;) kus xxxxx:)

Priscilla Waker zei

June, .. I'm sorry to hear about your Gizmo :( Breaks my heart..
Kisses and love your way ! xxxxxx